Grundrisse, Nummer 28


The importance of societal changes in China is beyond question. Therefore you will find in this issue of Grundrisse n°28 not only a review of the recently published book Dangomai. Workers’ Accounts of the World-Fabrics in China [Dagongmei, Arbeiterinnen aus Chinas Weltmarktfabriken erzählen], but also an interview with one of the co-publishers, Pun Ngai, who tells us about the situation of especially female migrant workers in China – a report, even more important considering the silence regarding the effects of the ongoing crisis on China.

Keyword crisis: In his article Engelbert Stockhammer traces the developements of the financial crises. The conclusions and political consequences of his analysis can be discussed at the upcoming event – with the author – on Dec 12 2008. Within our editorial board these were up to a conflicting debate. Max Henninger follows the question posed by Antonio Negri whether the Marxian theory of law of value, namely that labour time determines the measure of value, has to be dismissed; the author argues its further validity. In their text “In-Between Freedom and Necessity“ Rainer Midlaszewski and Ulrike Schulz reflect on their social experiences as freelancers using the form of a collage of different theoretical texts on this topic.

Ayse Deniz Temiz takes a look on the consequences of the EU border management in the North-African states drawing attention to possible ways of resistance and activsm against it in Turkey; a country, which as a member of the Union of the Mediterranean is also integrated into the process of externalisation of the EU borders. This text is also available in English.

Current reality: In the middle of November 47 and then 250 Pakistani were deported from Turkey to Pakistan. Also Vienna takes centre stage in the EU deportation activities: virtually unnoticed by the public the until now biggest charter deportation of the EU has been realised from the airport Schwechat in Vienna. With the participation of Frontex and the Austrian police 71 asylum seekers from France, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy, Great Britain and Austria were deported to Lagos, Nigeria and to Baniul, Gambia (see also:

We would like to apologize to Vassilis Tsianos, because a question mark that dated from an open question by the corrector remaind in his article “The map of Europa and the Flow of Migration” in the last issue of Grundrisse, which unfortunately also could have been understood as a never intended commentary of the editorial board on the author’s statements. Finally we want to advert t a concrete action: The permanent rise of costs for live sustainment generate small signs of protest that find an articulation in the platform: ”We do not pay YOUR crisis!“ First actions regarding the immediate withdrawal of the increase in gas prices will take place within the manifestation on Dec 18 2008 at 16.00 in front of the headquarters of Wien Energie, Mariannengasse. A second demonstration will hopefully follow on Jan 17 2009 (anticipated meeting place: Yppenplatz at 13.00). We would be very happy if these first attempts led to further collective expressions of irritations and actions.

The Grundrisse editorial board wishes an inspiring reading!

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